Holistic Health – What is it?
Holistic health is a term used since the time of Hippocrates in the West and even earlier in the East with the Eastern healing traditions of Ayurvedic and Chinese medicine. Holistic medicine addresses the whole person – body, mind, and spirit.
We are much more than blood, chemistry, bones and cellular tissue. We are beings of energy, and spirit as well.
Holistic health is most effective when used in conjunction with conventional medicine.
Holistic encompasses the four interrelated dimensional parts of the human-being that work cohesively together in order to facilitate Homeostatic (balance) well-being for optimal health. When they are not in balance we are in chaos.
Life is based on the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual experiences that represent life. These four dimensions are interrelated to each other. If one is off balance then it affects the whole being.
Coach is someone with the ability to instruct, motivate, train, direct, and impart knowledge to an individual that wants to improve their life or a skill they desire.